Monday, December 29, 2008

The Conference Board: Footwear

Yessir! It’s been a while but we’re back with this jump off! We decided to call this little cop or notty segment “The Conference Board”. Why? Well, because we form little conferences and get to love, hatin and opinionating on the latest stuff on the interweb.* This time we round tabled a few upcoming artists - you might have heard of 'em. It’s supposed to go down every Sunday but uhm…some of us were a little late with our correspondences. But enuff…Peep down for the showdown.

Visvim Mowat Moc Veggies
More Info: HSB

Me: Hmm…I am tryna step my “shoe” game up and I wouldn’t mind Visvims being my first victim. I’m also down for hi-tops, but this isn’t the colorway for me yet. I’mma say nah.
John: Actually not sure how I feel about Hi/ mid looking boat shoes but I'd try 'em out for fun since they're so simple, plus I know they're damn comfortable.
Yom: Cop. I Love Visvim shoes and these are no exception. Really like the sole on these and the stitching on the back
FAME: Nah B. These look like wallabies but not really. I’m not feeling these, they look generic and I don’t like the sole. They need to be more profile for my taste.
Daytona: These shits look like Wallaby/Nike Boots...They look like somethin' an OG Jamaican would wear with a matching mesh tanktop.
Mickey Factz: not really feeling them, not my style... sorry

Nike Year Of The Ox Blazers

More Info: SwaggerDap

John: Simple colorway that goes with everything. SO CLEAN, I’m there all day.
Yom: Pass. Not feeling these. The Big ox stamped on the back really puts me off
Me: I love Blazers but don’t have a pair that I’m in love with. These won’t be it for me either. And yeah…Ox’s suck. How much longer until the year of the Rabbit?
Daytona: These joints are hard... I would cop them right there! I mess with them because you can rock them in many different ways. I do the hood preppy thing, ill fabrics with ties n ill jeans, sweaters softer than your next door neighbor!! These would definitely fit into my rotation!
Mickey Factz: These are cool... I can do them on a boring day... possibly
FAME: My favorite Nike shoe right now, next to Air Stabs of course. These are fresh I like the colorway and a splash of red is always welcome. The white sole is money and the comfort of the shoe already makes it one of my top pics.

Clot x Nike Air Force Ones

More Info: SwaggerDap

Yom: DEFINITELY!! These are fire, but are going to be impossible to get hold of. Love the color way and the way the surface will rip, leaving u with a unique pair of shoes. Awesome
John: SO ILL! When I 1st saw the pics I was iffy but after seeing that you can custom rip n destroy them, I want. Great concept
Me: Nah. I appreciate the customization concept and all that, but I’m still not sold on ‘um. You won’t see me camp’n out for these - unless it’s pure SwaggerDap promo of course.
Mickey Factz: eh... they aight, not my particular style
FAME: I like plain white on white air force ones. Once u get into patterns or canvas like these, I get a little weirded out. These aren’t my speed. They look a little canal street. I always say it....less is more.
Daytona: These are garbage... I hate tacky prints like this! Really nothing more to say than...... TACKY

Nike Air Jordan Force VI
More Info: HSB

Daytona: I’m really a fan of the collab between Jordans and AF 1's... It’s real creative and they do it in a stylish way. They take all the dope qualities of both sneaker and make 1 very dope shoe. Would definitely rock these!
FAME: These are dope...the colorway is fresh for the summer or spring...whenever that comes back. I like the style and build of the shoe. It’s athletic but fashionable. Fly sneaker right here.
Yom: Fusions are an abomination of a sneaker! All they do is ruin the memory of when Jordan used to be a brand that was respected; now it’s just a joke. Pass
Me: I meeeean. I’m not really a fan of fusions at all - Minus the six rings maybe. But these, I can definitely do. Especially this colorway, it’s so clean, humble, yet eye catching to me.
Mickey Factz: I feel like I'm in the heights with these... they dope tho... slightly
John: Ughhhh, another J x AF1 fusion mess. I'm sorry but get back to the basics MJ n stop putting out 15 new models a year, these are just as bad as the rest. On a side note - the hood will eat 'me up.

Ubiq x Jun Watanabe Fatimas
More Info: HSB

John: "My mind is telling me NO, but my booooddddy". Yea I know I shouldn't like these but for some reason the colors n silhouette are really appealing, I'll cop.
Me: I’m not gonna lie. I think I can easily do these – and not on my “I love obnoxious kicks” shit. Cuz honestly, I don’t think these are that obnoxious. I think they want to be tho.
Mickey Factz: Nah, I feel like I’m watching Beetle Juice when I look at these...Can't do it.
Yom: I love the gear Ubiq and Jun Watanabe put out but this collab really doesn’t do it for me, it’s just all over the place.
Daytona: A “get for free” Smash. These are dope but I wouldn't cop them... I would rock them once or twice! Lol, I like the basic design of the shoe but it’s the colors that throw me off. It doesn’t really give you many options of clothes to wear with these kicks... But they would work if you just wanted to try something ill for a day, not my style though.
FAME: Ahh the wildcards...these surprisingly look cool to me. Now u can get weirdo status with these by wearing some skinny jeans to show them off and throwing on some Technicolor shirt to coincide...keep it basic. Not sure about the yellow upper...but this could work.


Feel free to drop your own opinions in the comments and check out the previous Conference Board

The Board
Me? I’m SwaggerDap’s Obama and all around “now I’m blogging, now I’m not” guy. I also interned for a company called the Conference Board.*

John is THAT blogger. He's not looking for a date tho.

Yom is our Big Man in Japan. He loves raw egg on his rice and is allegedly the biggest Totoro in the forest. Just don’t ask us what that means. Look for his posts on SwaggerDap, peep his photography on Yom's Eyes and follow how Big In Japan he is.

The Kid Daytona is a Bronx bred MC. He's self proclaimed everything that is Fly, an all around ill dude, and has an endless amount of cool. Check his music out.

Mickey Factz says he’s the ruler of the galaxy and loves high top sneakers. The Achievement is dropping next year. Peep the MySpace.

FAME is a lyricist, beat jacker and graphic artist from New Jersey. Peep his Official MySpace or download his album Hardwork.

-Via Meez

Nike Blazer Low - Velcro Lux

Mixing childhood memories with ill design and premium leathers, Nike is introduces their Velcro Blazer Low to the mix.

I feel like I've been saying this a lot lately but I really enjoy the simplicity of these with the nicely accented white midsole on the toe. Oh plus the velcro straps remind me of old school tennis shoes when I was a kid.

The Nike Blazer Low Velcro Lux will be released on January 10th.


via HS

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pee & Poo

Yes. Pee & Poo, brainchild of Swedish designer Emma Megitt who has just introduced this new brand that features toys and a little bit of apparel.
So without further ado here is Pee & Poo...

I would own these.

Even though we saw more than enough plush poo in Hong Kong and Japan I found that 1st picture hysterical so I had to post.

Check out the Pee & Poo site here where they have just opened the online store, and a little Pee & Poo memory game here.


via thecoolhunter

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More of CINCH Tokyo

Just been sent pics of the new LEVIs concept store we reported on a few days ago, CINCH Tokyo

Store looks great!

No official web site as yet


Nike 'Year of the Ox' - Blazer Mid & Air Max 1

Now that we are approaching the end of the year of the rat (yes I still think about those Greedys from time to time) it is about that time for brands to unveil their good for the year of the Ox. Here Nike comes with a Blazer Mid and Air Max 1.

Some details of the Blazers' lacing, Ox on the back, and tongue.

With the premium leathers based in off white with accents of green and red the shoes are said to pay homage to the old Chinese military. Both shoes are simple and very clean, I'm liking the Blazer especially.

The Nike Blazer Mid Premium and Air Max 1 are set to release in Asia in the coming weeks starting with Atmos Tokyo, so if you know any connects get on it.


Friday, December 26, 2008

UNDFTD Billboard Project - Neil Leifer

In Undefeated's ongoing billboard project with notable artists and photographers from around the US they have once again gotten some work from acclaimed sports photographer Neil Leifer.

That is of course the greatest SU alum ever and one of the greatest athletes of all time, Mr. Jim Brown walking off of the field during some crazy times in America.

Check out more on Neil Leifer here, and more on the UNDFTD billboard project here.


via freshness

More City Camo Coloured Parkas

Following on from the release of the City Camo Sta Parkas last week, Bape have now announced on these new City Camo Plaid parkas

No release date yet but price will be Y22,890


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bape 2009 Spring Collection Magazine realeased

Out today here in Japan is the new 2009 Spring Collection Magazine from A Bathing Ape

Main focus is on the new Bape Wrestling show and the Flame Camo, plus all the new Shark related gear

Some stuff looks nice (Fire Camo, Shark Varsities) and some stuff looks terrible (Sta x Camo, Shark Denim?), but i tend to find that with all the Bape magazines.

What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know.

The "free" gift (I say free, but when you pay Y1,800 for a mag that is 70 pages long you kinda wonder how free the gift is?) is a Bapex clock

If anyone is interested in prices of any of the items, again, leave a comment and I'll let you know

Bape have also posted some new items in the news section of their website


A Kaws Christmas

Kaws and Original Fake also wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

The gift giving companion.

Saw this festive life size Kaws companion in TST (Hong Kong) right before I left.

Once again a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours.


Happy Holidays from Play Cloths

Another holiday greeting, this time from Play Cloths.

Some of the collection is out now on the Play Cloths site, and more in stores.


Seasons Greetings from 8FIVE2SHOP

Thought I'd post some of the holiday emails I've been getting over here.

1st up 8FIVE2SHOP in Hong Kong.

Sweet skateboard tree.

United Success Comm Ctr. - 2/Fl
506-508 Jaffe Rd.
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

CLOT x Nike Air Force 1

Yea it's Christmas eve, I'm about to go to sleep but 1st gotta show these CLOT x Nike 1World Air Force 1 cause they're just too ill.

At 1st glance they look like some normal AF1s shrouded in the royal silk CLOT material, which is true to an extent.
However upon further examination you can see that the red silk can actually be peeled off at the owners discretion to reveal a dark brown leather underneath embossed with the same CLOT pattern.

The silk being completely customizable can be torn, burnt, ot destroyed any way you like until you get juuuuust the right effect.

To welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year, Nike has teamed up with Clot to launch the lucky-red inspired Nike Clot Air Force 1. As seen, the red upper-shoe top layer can actually be peeled, burned or torn off to reveal a bottom layer made from dark brown leather. Clot’s trademark Chinese-print graphics, as embroidered onto the silk upper layer, are lasered onto this durable leather layer.

The Nike Clot Air Force 1 comes in a special “Chinese Candy Box” packaging set. Traditionally, Lunar New Year celebrations include offering sweets and other edible treats from a red lacquer box to ensure a “sweet” year. Honoring this custom, the Nike Clot Air Force 1 packaging is a hexagonal red box with a partitioned tray layer, to hold shoe accessories, and matching lid. The box’s exterior is adorned with Clot graphics in black.

The Nike Clot Air Force 1 will be available on January 16, exclusively from JUICE HK(2/F A, 53 Paterson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong; and ACU (Shop 15, 139 Changle Road, Shanghai, China)

sorry for the more or less copy and paste there. Oh, and more in the 1world project.


via Poon

Adventures In NYC: It's Cold

Yea the fact that it's cold really has nothing to do with the contents of these pictures actually, besides that fact that it's the reason I only took a couple all day. So although there's only a few, here are my pics from yesterday in the city.

Nice view of the Chrysler building, seemed to be the only thing getting sun.
The wrapped LV building really pops out in the dreary NY streets, pictures don't do it justice.

Then final stop Y-3 in the middle of nowhere in west village.

Yeeeeeep, told you it was a weak day for pictures. But I did manage to grab some Chipotle and sat next to Patrice O'Neil there which was pretty funny. Then waited in line for a Wii Fit for like and hour and a half at Nintendo World which wasn't that bad except for this Mario taunting people in the corner the whole time.

Well stay warm people and have a Happy Holiday.


The Shining Graffiti

Honestly no info at all on this but its pretty awesome.

From the famous "Heeeeere's Johnny" scene in The Shining, one of my favorite movies. If you know anything about this, even like where it is, post a comment.


via ctothejl

Shiny Metallic Supras (Suprano & TK)

While Supra has been and continues to come with strong releases, in doing that there are always some misses. So while this may be one of my many unpopular opinions here are some shiny metallic Supras that just aren't doing it for me.

1st up: The rose gold TK model.
These are samples as of now but knowing TK (and Supras metallic love) they very well might be released.

Next: Jim Greco's new model from Supra, the Suprano in metallic purple.

To me these aren't nearly as bad as the rose golds, but I can only imagine how bad these might turn out when creased or even worse skated in.

The Supranos will be available at select Supra accounts in January, while the highly anticipated TK's are still slated for a Spring release. (unless you can find a sample pair like these on ebay)


via ctothejl


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