Friday, February 29, 2008

American Boy - Estelle Feat. Kanye West

Here's the official video

Crooks & Castles - Illuminati Collection '08

Crooks & Castles started the Illuminati collection a few years back with just a few tees that were all black and white based.
The set has transformed into an ill cut and sewn line that keeps with humble colors yet focuses on the attention to detail and quality.

a wool jacket, which Matso, the resident Crooks head could only describe as "crack"

If I could rock a bandana without looking like a fool trust me I would, cause these are rather ill.

The complete collection will be dropping soon so check out your premium Crooks retailers to cop. (i.e. Union, Reed Space, Crooks Flagship, etc.)


In4mation Accessories - s/s 2008

Yea yea yea, I know.... it's more repetitive bullet designs in streetwear ... BUT ITS HOT! least i think so.
It's In4mation's s/s 2008 accessories.

There's the strap of bullets scarf and the seemingly harmless laptop case, but when opened ...*BLADOW* more bullets!

I'm definitely feeling these peices.... available now at the Reed Space and soon to other In4mation carriers.


The Roots - 75 Bars (Black Construction)

Normally I stick to the Streetwear side on the blog but I couldn't resist posting this new video by The Roots.

They went straight Man on Fire movie style for this one; the beat, the video and the "acting" all together just make this video gritty n intense. I give Black Thought props for this, he did a good job.

Directed by Rik Cordero and starring Black Thought, ?uestlove, and Tuba Gooding Jr. (which if you listen to the beat are also the only members featured on the song)

Rising Down in stores April 29th


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Neighborhood 2008 - Delta Series

Japanese brand Neighborhood keeps up the image of gritty and hard black & whites with their 2008 Delta line.

While the quality and the design of NBHD products are great the price also follows suit. This fit that i posted would run you over a grand.

So if you got that guap you can go cop at Cliffedge


New Bape Hoodies - Panda

As big of a Bape head as I am, i'll be the 1st to admit that they do miss on some of their designs. But I'll also say that they make some crazy stuff n set alot of trends in this game.

Wellllllll...the new panda hoody design is of the former...

i guess it was a nice effort, with the bamboo n all, but I'm not really feeling this (and usually the black versions of Bape hoodies are the best)

There's also another floral pattern hoody this year

Last year there was the hibiscus pattern ... not sure what flower this is though

Available this summer at Bape stores world wide


Stussy x Eric Elms Tee

When it comes to working with artists and photographers Stussy has built quite an impressive catalogue. After last year's nice set of tees with Josh Cheuse they follow up with this design by Eric Elms titled Whatever It Takes

Elms has worked with tons of brands from supreme to nike, check out his work on his site ericadorn.comThis is one of my favorite sayings (and Joe Budden songs) so I was about to cop the white but then i saw the black colorway on their site!
so now i need help .... which color do I get??

just came out and you can get em right from


Supreme Catalogue s/s 2008

Here are some quick preliminary pictures from Supreme's 2008 s/s catalogue. (sorry for the low quality pics, but the catalogue isn't even out yet so be happy!)

More of their staple 5 panel caps along with another large MagLite

A nice nylon varsity style jacket

Oh, and of course ......ashtrays!

We'll post the HQ pics once the catalogue actually drops


Olympic Trainer Dunk Hi - 1984

Just after I showed you the Olympic Trainer Dunk Lows (2 posts down) here are some better pics of the Olympic Trainer Dunk Hi, simply named 1984 after the Summer Olympic games in LA that year.

At first the patent wood grain threw me off of this shoe but I'm definitely comming around to it now. Really nice materials used, especially the toe and side panels witht he silver stripes.

These have just dropped at Tier Zero Nike accounts in the US, so check you Recon and Alife type stores for these.


Head Porter - iPod Nano Cases

I'm a big fan of Head Porter and all of the creative holders and wallets that they come out with. (Unfortunately theres nothing for regular size ipods and PDAs though so i own nothing!)

Well here are some more innovative designs for the iPod nano.

I'm really feeling the 2nd one how the iPod fits right into the hanging wallet, form & function.


Nike Trainer Dunk Lo- 2008 Olympics

I'm still against anything clear on sneakers but I'm a fan behind the olympic inspired cocept of these Trainer Dunks ..... the pool

Yep these are "swimmers" as you can see by the clear panels which look to the blue insole complete with lane dividers (just like a real pool! wow!)

you can find em on kix-files for a little over $150


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Swagger s/s '08 Collection

Japanese street fashion brand Swagger has released their new line for the spring/summer '08 season. The full line consists of some new crazy patterns and designs as well as some nice simple tee's.

these next 2 I would rock with the Spys for sure

That Swagger International shirt is quite nice.... I can't wait for the 1st Swagger x SwaggerDap collab :)

check out the whole collection (it gets crazy, the peices i posted are very conservative) at their site


Brian Confidential

So I stumbled upon this kid James Grady's (aka A Drawing Ape!) facebook page 'cuz I thought his profile pic was cool.

Then he told me to peep his art work.
Absolutely Amazing!!!
Peep the Kicks and Streetwear!

Some of his work is 4 feet tall and sell for $700!!

Peep more on his Myspace Page.

Skillful Discharge - Street(wear) Love

Yep Yep...
I was perusing that same old community website again and stumbled upon Ms. Greedi rockin her Hubby Caff's brand Skillful Discharge
Pretty hot Logo T-shirts.

Her Amy Winehouse Impression?

There's more on the website so be sure to check it out. We'll definitely be talkin about them again...

Duane Came!

No Mo yo...
But yeah my Duane NY Stuff came yesterday.
Shit's tough

Supra Trinity - White

Supra! damnit! you gotta spread out all this hot content you keep releasing! How are you gunna manage to keep this up all year??

You should already know about the sleek black colorway of the premium Supra Trinity (i told you about it here)
Well there are now pictures of the pure white colorway.....

The smooth croc on the inner panels of the shoes is contrasted beautifully by the rough cracked material of the outter shell and strap accross the laces. The premium materials and design really intrique me and needless to say, I'm feeling this shoe alot.

I think the $210 that i was considering dropping on the black trinity might be moving over to the white pair if i do end up copping.


Visvim - Gore-Tex Car Cover

Once again I must reiterate that this street fashion game is more than meets the eye!

High end streetwear brand Visvim, who always brings great quality and classy style to their designs has now engineered a new Gore-Tex car cover.

The cover is part of an Intersection Magazine project that brought designers from all over the world to each create their own unique car cover.
Here are a few other interesting designs.....

the illusion

and i call this dirty laundry

Check out the rest of the designs at Intersection Magazine



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