Monday, October 18, 2010

Artist Profile - Shuichi Nakano

Japanese artist Shuichi Nakano has started to turn some heads with a surreal collection of paintings featuring super-sized zoo animals taking over Japan! The series is titled "Searching for Paradise"...

初秋の風、夏の余韻 (Early autumn wind, lingering memory of summer)

5時25分の寒気 (Chill at 5:25)

荒天の予感 (Premonition of storm)

夢の途中 (In the midst of a dream)

真昼の記憶 (Memory of noon)

春の園 (Spring garden)

帰り道を忘れて (Forgetting the way home)

楽園を捜して (Searching for paradise)

Sadly, outside of this series, I really can't find much info on Shuichi, but her work is pretty awesome so hopefully we'll be seeing some more works soon!


via pinktentacle


  1. The Hippos are my favorite piece; but the Fish in the sky are my favorite scenario.

  2. the 1st two and the last one are my faves ... and yeah, the fish would be dope to just look up and see... kind of watch them in awe... the rest of the animals could cause mass destruction way easier



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