Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clippings - MIA in Marc by Marc Jacobs Ad

This weeks Clipping is a Marc Jacobs ad from an old GQ UK from a few years back that features MIA...

At first I thought it was just cool that MIA was in this ad in the first place, until i noticed that she was rocking a Dee & Ricky belt buckle also! As you may or may not know, Marc fell in love with their Lego accessories a few years back and used them in one of his NYC fashion week shows, however I didn't know they ever made it onto his ads that season also. Pretty good look there.

Previously: Clippings: KiD CuDi and Vashtie in Mass Appeal #50



  1. I think Clippings will be cooler if you also added a pic of the article/text itself.

    [Sidenote: I think this would've made much more sense as a SongZiGe segment.]

  2. This one was an ad so there is no article or text.

    [sidenote: I'd love to know how this is any more relevant to music than it is to fashion. thanks.]

  3. oh ok


    1) It wasn't a matter of music vs fashion. Especially since the two you done so far were just as much music as fashion i.e. "KiD CuDi in Bape", "M.I.A. in MArc"

    2) It was more about the concept and direction of SwaggerDap vs SongZiGe as a whole.


    SwaggerDap = Mainly Fashion w/ Visual Arts, including Photography, Design, and Illustrations.

    SongZiGe = Mainly Music w/ Literal Arts, including Poetry, Books, and Magazines.

    Since I do the Book Excerpts, I thought Clippings would be an awesome concept of Magazine Excerpts.

    Just a thought.]

  4. Oh i see where ur coming from... but nah, cause honestly the entire reason I'm posting is for the visuals man. If I was posting articles also you'd probably be right... but I'm not.

    i like how you snuck magazines into your description there btw.


    It was always that way. I just haven't posted much magazine content.



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