Thursday, January 20, 2011

Clippings - Devon Aoki for Chanel

This latest Clippings segment features model Devon Aoki in a spread from a '07-08 Chanel campaign...

I must have torn the ad out of a magazine a while back, so no idea where exactly I nabbed this from, but after scouring the internet I was able to find the full set of ads from this campaign. (the final image is the only one I actually scanned, sorry for the poor quality on that one)

Aside from the timeless design, I really love the vintage feel of these shots, and honestly if her hair was done up I would believe that these ads were from another generation. Well executed, and I'm sure shot by Karl.

Previously: Clippings - Naomi Campbell in GQ UK
MIA for Marc by Marc Jacobs
KiD CuDi and Vashtie in Mass Appeal #50


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